Sacred Spaces Part 2

This event has already taken place. But, not to worry, we recorded it and you can view it at or by clicking on the clip below.

Or you can view it on YouTube at or by clicking on the clip below.

What makes a place a sanctuary, a place of worship, or a simply a sacred space? Is it about the space, the structure, the history or something else? On February 22nd, we explored this fascinating topic from the perspective of the the Bahá’í, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish communities. On April 26th at 7:00 PM, we’ll revisit the topic with panelists from the Buddhist community, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Mount Cross Lutheran Church. Among the questions that we’ll ask these panelists are:

  • What spaces do you consider sacred?
  • What makes them sacred?
  • What myths, legends, historical events contribute to making these spaces sacred?
  • Is there a protocol/behavior/dress requirement when entering, occupying or exiting a sacred space?
  • May anyone enter a sacred space at any time? If not, what are the conditions for admission?
  • How do you construct a sacred space? Is there a specific type of architecture? How do you consecrate it?

This panel discussion will take place via Zoom. You can participate by clicking on this link at the appointed time: To join by phone, dial 669 900 6833 and enter the meeting ID (861 0508 8233) and the passcode (087771) when prompted.

This forum is free of charge and all are welcome, so pass the word to as many friends and family as you think might be interested!